Saturday, October 29, 2011

Cherry Tomatoes 365/299

I have so many cheery tomatoes here at home. Since they are very little to can, I just put them in the freezer. I can use it to cook.
October 29, 2011:

  • Hubby cooked us breakfast. I feel better  after two nights of  agony due to  the cold I got.  I'm still sniffling but at least I don't have the headache and the chill anymore.
  • We went to  the Shoe Department over at Fort Steuben Mall after visiting Dad. We bought our  Burritos some shoes they need for Sunday's function in school.  Hubby also bought me a new pair of boots.
  • Tomorrow will be a very busy day for us. Ms. Burrito will sing at 12 o'clock mass then at 2-4, they have a Halloween  event.  We will go t the funeral home at night.

1 delicious comments:

Dhemz said...

ayay, pahingi po...hehehhe...parang regular cherries lang!

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