Thursday, May 17, 2018

Celebratory Dinner At Olive Garden

It was past 8 pm when the graduation rites was finished.  We could have easily went out and eat but getting out of Duquesne parking garage was another story, it took forever.  We were stuck there for  almost 30 minutes trying to get out the campus.  We  were gonna  dine in to one of our favorite local restaurants but it was late already that we decided to  try the Olive Garden  in Robinson.

We have never  ate here before so we didn't know what to expect.  We thought that  they won't be packed because it was late but  they were full of  patrons when we got there.  The wait wasn't that long though and our server was really friendly.  She looked like she was tired  but she was still pleasant and helpful to us.  
The food was delicious, however, the portions are huge!  We had leftovers for the past couple of days in the fridge.  Surprisingly, the cost wasn't that much so we gave our  server a 20% tip for the great service she's rendered us.  Nothing beats  the feeling of happy customer when  the  establishment's employees are nice.

Katie, our server, even  offered to take our picture and she boxed the leftover food for us.  I wish all food servers are nice as hers.  Swipe over > to see all the photos below.

17 delicious comments:

candy said...

We have always enjoyed eating at Olive Garden. Doesn't matter if it is for lunch with soup and salad or dinner during the evening.

Alli Smith said...

I haven't been to Olive Garden in quite a while. My favorite was always the endless salad. And I always liked the breadsticks.

AiringMyLaundry said...

We've always loved Olive Garden. In fact, we were just there last week! It's always pretty tasty. We love that salad.

SimplyTasheena said...

This looks like such a wonderful celebratory dinner. I love eating at the Olive Garden. Their breadsticks are delicious.

valmg @ Mom Knows It All said...

I like Olive Garden, their breadsticks are terrific. I've never seen an Olive Garden that wasn't fairly crowded.

Jeanette said...

We have not been to Olive Garden in quite a number of years. The food they have is delicious and I think we should go there again soon. It looks like you all enjoyed your time there.

Melanie @ bear rabbit bear said...

I haven't been to Olive Garden in years. I used to work near one, and my husband and I would go during lunch. We may need to head over for some breadsticks soon!

Cook with 5 Kids said...

My family also loves to celebrate at olive garden. We know we will have a huge meal with that big unlimited salad and breadsticks! I am now craving some too!

Anonymous said...

Happy graduation! I haven't been to the olive garden in years. During my freshmen homecoming dance, we had a large group of kids go there before the dance.

Unknown said...

The closest Olive Garden I have to me is the one in NYC so we always love going there when we're in the city. I am a huge fan of so many of their dishes.

Angela Ricardo said...

my mother in law totally loves the Olive Garden. we went there regularly for celebrations and even just for the "just because" moments. Awesome ambiance and food.

Anosa Malanga said...

I have never tried eating here and glad i came over your post. I will take note of this so that I can try when I got the opportunity to visit nearby places. Congratulations as well!

Jenn said...

Congratulations. We have not been to an Olive garden in years. It used to be one of my favorites. I need to get back there.

Tomi C said...

Olive Garden is always perfect for family get togethers. Good meal and funny thing those same kids that don't eat their veggies love that Olive Garden salad.

Unknown said...

Olive Garden definitely has large portions. Average people definitely can't finished them!

reesa said...

Congrats on the graduation! We love Olive Garden too, they have something for everyone!

Sue said...

I love the sound of those huge portions, especially that the food was great. Congrats on the graduation by the way!

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