Monday, June 18, 2018

Father's Day 2018 Feast

We celebrated Father's Day at home and my husband had a great time.  He  is a guy whose weakness is food so home cooked meals is always a  win for  him.   I   try my best to come up with  special dish during special occasion such as Father's Day.  
We started  our celebration last Saturday by making this salmon with brown butter tomato relish.  We ate it with brown rice.  This dish is very easy to make, all you need is salmon,  grape tomatoes, garlic, butter, parsley and seasoning.
My husband  is not very fond of seafood but if you cook it right, he would like it.  He liked this dish because of the flavorful garlic and tomato relish in it.  
I wish they would cook  during Mother's Day too s o we don't have to go out lol.  I hate going out during holiday because restaurants are always packed.   Anyway, yesterday, I finally able to use  the  content of Fuego Box.
 I mentioned that this box is part of the  gifts that we gave to my husband.  He was giggling when he opened it because  he doesn't cook  but I got him this.  He also knows that  these will be used  to make  tasty dishes sdo no complain there.  In reality, this  set is for me lol.
 The box  contained the  Hot Hive Spicy honey.  I used  two tablespoon of this for the BBQ sauce that  we made for the Pork BBQ we had  yesterday.
 This organic hot sauce, blend right in to the honey as part of the BBQ sauce.  My son said it's spicy but he doesn't like spicy food so I  I expected him to  say it.
 The jalapeño and garlic was a good marinating agent  together with crushed pineapple to the pork.  My marinade also include  the serrano sauce.  I was just testing what would taste good using these sauces and  seasoning.
 I also added  a tablespoon of this Fat Cat guajillo ghost sauce to the sauce.
 The result of this experiment using the Fuego box  sauce and seasoning was  awesome.  The meat was very tender and tasty.  The chard of the  grill on the meat  give it a  little crunch factor, it was really delicious!  Fuego Box offers monthly subscription for their products so if you are interested, you can just visit the link I  have provided above. 

Now, let's talk about  the vegetable that we prepared  with this dish. I always  try to incorporate  veggies in every meal that I cook at home so we could have a good balanced meal.   We used our new  stainless steel  vegetable grill basket from Cave Tools
You can find this  via  amazon and use VEGGIE15 coupon code for a 15% savings.  Here's what you can expect from this veggie grill basket.
  • Grilled Veggie Flavor - Unlike aluminum foil, your vegetable basket lets in all the delicious bbq flavors
  • Perfect Wok for Small Foods - Grilled Fruits, Vegetables, Shrimp, Meat, and any other food that would usually fall through the grill grates
  • Sleek Curved Handle Design - Never Drop Your Finished Veggies on the Floor Again
  • Convenient Side Dishes - No more pan frying your side dishes inside while cooking the entree out on the grill. With your new vegetable basket you can cook everything in one place
 I was gonna use it for the corn, remove it's skin and grill it but I remember that my husband doesn't like when corn is directly grilled because of the  burn marks.  I didn't want to boil the corn so I thought grilling it with skin on  would do the trick too and it did.  
 I grilled some broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots using the grill basket. 
 The BBQ on the stick  turn out so juicy and  delicious.
 The great thing about this grill basket is that you can even use it as a strainer for your   vegetable  or pasta so you can use it in multiple ways.
 I can't eat meat without rice so I also had  brown rice left over on my plate while they ate  BBQ and veggies.  We had this for  lunch after  the mass.
 I made this Greek Flatbread for dinner.  This Greek Flatbread was a  light dinner, perfect to have after a heavy lunch.  This has olives, feta cheese,  mozzarella,  pepper, and arugula.
 For dessert, we had mango and  strawberry cake.  They ate  cake, I ate mango lol.   The cake was store bought, I am not good in baking so I  rely  on commercially  made/baked dessert.

How about  you, where did you celebrate? 

Disclosure: The owner of this blog was NOT financially compensated to write this review.  I was provided with the complimentary product/s mentioned  for testing purposes and to help me  facilitate this review but  opinions are my own.

19 delicious comments:

Masshole Mommy said...

Well, you weren't kidding. What a feast you guys had. That salmon looks absolutely phenomenal.

Alli Smith said...

Salmon is one of my favorite foods and yours looks amazing. All of the food looks good - what a great meal!

candy said...

It is amazing what happens when you add a wonderful relish on top of food. Tomato is perfect for fresh salmon and more people should find out about brown butter.

candy said...

We love salmon and using a relish on top is perfect. Tomato relish is delicious. More people should learn about brown butter and how good it is.

SimplyTasheena said...

Salmon is one of my favorite foods to make for the family. It's super easy to cook and doesn't require too much work and cooking time. Everything looks delicious.

Unknown said...

All of them look absolutely mouth-watering especially the salmon. Your hubby is one lucky guy having to eat tons of great homemade food.

AiringMyLaundry said...

Oh my gosh, everything looks SO good!

We just went out on Father's Day since I make things go boom in the kitchen. It's safer that way.

Jeannette said...

That would've been a great dinner for Father's Day! It looks absolutely mouthwatering I would love to try this.

Pam said...

I love spicy foods and foods with lots of flavor. All of these sauces sound perfect for people like me!

Anonymous said...

What an amazing Father's Day meal you put together! The chicken looks so succulent and the dessert looks amazing too.

Unknown said...

I'm all about cooking at home and your dishes look like it's so full of flavor. I love the look of that rice dish that your husband ended up liking.

Bonnie G said...

What a great looking meal! This fuego box is something my hubby would love.

Alison Rost said...

Wow! What a nice spread of good food to celebrate Father's day! Everything looks so good! Any dad would be happy to sit down to a meal like this.

Crystal Mendez said...

We celebrated at home too. But this year my sister and I decided not to cook and we ordered out BBQ. I did make my dad a batch of my famous banana pudding because that's his favorite and that's it! I got to enjoy the day with everyone and that was nice. Your salmon looks so good, it's my favorite seafood.

The Super Mom Life said...

Wow, that's a whole lot of yummy looking food! I hope it was the perfect Father's Day!

ricci said...

Now this sounds like a box I would love to receive! This dish looks so good too!! YUM!!

Bradley C Finnearty said...

This is a great feast for sure. I am going to drop this hint to my wife for next year.

Madeline said...

I love that even though your husband doesn't love fish, that is what you cooked him for Father's Day! :P Everything looked amazing!

Anosa Malanga said...

Oh dear! With that kind of foods, it is indeed such a feast! For sure Father's Day celebration was a blast! I would love to receive the same box too.

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Bon Appetit!

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