Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Oven “Sun-Dried” Tomatoes 🍅

Aside from  canning homemade tomato sauce, I am also trying a new way to preserve or prolong the life of our tomatoes this year.  I have a lot of grape and cherry tomatoes in the garden and we can't eat them all fresh all at once so I wanted to try the oven "sun-dried" tomatoes process.
I enlisted my two teens in cutting the tomatoes in half.  So here's what you do:


  • Gather all your cherry or grape tomatoes and washed them.  
  • Cut them in halves
  • Once done cutting, lay them cut side up  in a parchment covered baking sheet (I used foil).
  • Season it with salt, black pepper, and whatever herbs you like.  I used oregano and basil on mine.
  • Heat oven to 250°F. Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper.
  • Bake for 2.5 to 3.5 hours, or until the tomatoes are dried out, keeping an eye on the tomatoes so that they don’t burn.
  • Remove from the oven.
  • Transfer the sun-dried tomatoes to a jar and fill with olive oil until the tomatoes are completely covered. 
  • Add in any desired seasonings.  You can use a clove of garlic or a piece of bay leaf  (which I did).

You may also opt to just storing it without the olive oil, that way you can re hydrate it when you want to use it.  It said the best way to re-hydrate it is to use  tomato sauce to elevate its flavor more but hot water works too.
You can use it for cooking such as soup, pizza, or toss it in a salad.

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