Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Meat Loaf, Beets, and Mashed Potatoes
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Cheesy Macaroni & Broccoli
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Home Made Pizza for Lunch
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Beef and Broccoli

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Fresh Salad

Our daughter Rylie love just any kind of salad. I am glad because she's a good example to our son who is very picky when it comes to food.

Monday, March 15, 2010
Strawberry Cake

Sunday, March 14, 2010
Our Songs of Love
From this moment, King and Queen of Hearts, Love is all that Matters, Looking through the eyes of Love, and You are my song.

1.Choose any song that fits the event. Any artist and genre will do.
2.Post your answers and tag five people in your list.
3. Don't forget to mention the person who invited you to play.

Please take note, this is a transferred post from my Bravejournal blog. Comments are copied and pasted here too.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Every photograph lies a memory
A million click, a million story
So never take your chance for granted
While you have time to take it, just snap it
Because a snapshot of today will be your future story.
- R. Cottrill

Thursday, March 11, 2010
100 truth tag
Before doing the tag, let me share this picture to you. These were taken in Cagsawa Ruins during our First vacation in the Philippines (2009).
001. Real Name: R. Cottrill
002. Nickname(s): Rose
003. Age: 36
004. Horoscope: Gemeni
005. Male or Female: 100% female
006. Elementary: Sibago Elementary School, Donsol Sorsogon Philippines
007. High School: Donsol Vocational High School - Phil.
008. College School: Divine Word College of Legazpi - Phil
009. Graduate School: DWC Graduate School of Business and Management - Phil
010. Hair color: Black
011. Long or Short: Long
012. Loud or Quiet: in between
013. Sweats or Jeans: Jeans
014. Phone or Camera: both
015. Health Freak: nah
016. Drink or Smoke: none
017. Do you have a crush on someone: Mario Lopez hahaha
018. Eat or Drink: eat
019. Piercings: ears
020. Tattoos: nope, don't like tattoos
021. Social or Anti-Social: in between
022. Righty or lefty: Right
023. First piercing: Ears
024. First relationship: 4th year High
025. First Best Friend: jovelyn - high school
026. First Award: when I was in grade two
027. First Kiss: Psst!!!
028. First Pet: Puppy!
029. First Big Vacation: Masbate with my friend Josephine
030. First Love at first sight: none
031. First Big Birthday: bachelorette party/bridal shower.
032. First Surgery: when I gave birth to my daughter.
033. First sport you joined: Volleyball.
This or That
034. Orange or Apple juice: both
035. Rock or Rap: none of this heeheh.
036. Country or Screamo: Country
037. NSYNC or Backstreet boys: Both.
038. Britney spears or Christina Aguilera: Christina A.
039. Night or Day: Both
040. Sun or Moon: Hmmm... both
041. TV or Internet: 100% - Internet!
042. Playstation or xbox: none
043. Kiss or hug: Want to have both!
044. Iguana or turtle: turtle!
045. Spider or bee: none of these.
046. Fall or spring: Spring.
047. Limewire or iTunes: Itune???
048. Soccer or baseball: baseball!
049. Eating: Just finished. pizza!
050. Drinking: water
051. Excitement level: Medium. Sleepy again.
052. I’m about to: go to bed!
053. Listening to: the TV, my son is watching
054. Plan for today: its night time now so i'll go to sleep soon
055. Waiting for: my husband's tour to end so we can go back home!
056. Energy Level: Medium.
057. Thinking of someone: mama
058. Want kids?: of course
059. Want to get married?: i am.
060. When?: One day... five years ago
061. How many kids do you want: just 2
062. Any name on the mind: Rylie and EJ
063. What did you want to be when you were little: teacher
064. Careers in mind: to become an entrepreneur
065. Mellow future or wild: mellow!
066. Something you would never try: commit suicide
067. When do you want to die: If God will permit, I wanna see my children grow up, get married and have kids .
068. Lips or Eyes: Both
069. Romantic or Funny?: Both!!!
070. Shorter or Taller?: Taller.
071. Protective or Caring?: Caring
072. Romantic or Spontaneous?: Romantic
073. Nice Stomach or Nice Arms?: Nice Stomach
074. Sensitive or Loud?: Both...
075. Hook-up or Relationship?: Relationships
076. Trouble Maker or Hesitant?: ???
077. Muscular or normal: normal
078. Kissed a stranger: Never!
079. Broken a bone: nope.
080. Lost glasses or contacts: yup
081. Ran away from home: Never
082. Held a gun/knife for self defense: Nope
083. Killed somebody: Neverrrr!
084. Broken some one’s heart: not sure!
085. Had your heart broken: twice!
086. Been arrested: Never.
087. Cried when someone died: Yup.
088. Liked a friend more than a friend: not sure about this hehehe.
Do you believe in
089. Yourself: hell ya!
090. Miracles: Yup.
091. Love at first sight: Nope
092. Heaven: Yup
093. Santa Claus: Nope.
094. Tooth Fairy: Nope.
095. Kiss in the first date: nah...
096. Angels: Yup.
Answer Truthfully
097. Is there 1 person you want to be with right now?: I'm with him hehehe!
098. Are you seriously happy with where you’re in life now?: Incredibly happy!
099. Do you believe in God?: For sure!
100. Post as 100 truths and tag 10 people.
Okay, the ten people would be you x 10 hahaha..
Note: Originally post at my bravejournal blog on April 5, 2009
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Pasta with Turkey Meat Ball
1 lb. gound turkey breast
1 small yellow onion, minced, divided
1 egg
1/3 cup fine dry bread crombs
1/3 cup chopped fresh parsley
2 garlic cloves, minced
2 teaspoons finely chopped fresh oregano or
1/2 teaspoon dried
2 teaspoons finely chopped fresh basil or 1/2
teaspoon dried
2 teaspoons finely chopped fresh rosemary or
1/2 teaspoon dried
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1 (12-oz.) pkg. penne or ziti (tube-shaped pasta)
1 (2
1 tomato, diced
1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1. Heat oven to 500ºF. Line 15x10x1-inch pan with foil; spray with cooking spray.
2. Combine all meatball ingredients until well-blended. Shape into 24 (1-inch) meatballs. Arrange in single layer pan. Bake 10 minutes or until meatballs are no longer pink in center.
3. Meanwhile, cook penne according to package directions; drain.
4. Bring spaghetti sauce and tomato to a boil in large saucepan. Add meatballs with any drippings and penne. Sprinkle each serving with cheese.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
From Tita with Love

Monday, March 8, 2010
Dad And Daughter Chef
John and Rylie baked a home made pizza yesterday and it was sooooo good.They're getting addicted to baking things, it is quickly becoming a daily routine. When it comes to baking stuff, my daughter and husband get along well in the kitchen. I don't like baking because I always get burn marks from the oven hehehe... So here are the pictures I took while they were putting a pizza together.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Sensible Supper
I got these recipes from nubella.com. They sent me email several times a week and I love being a member with them. I might try this Lemon herb Roasted Chicken to start our new year with a little something healthy hehehe...

Saturday, March 6, 2010
Roasted Pepper and Eggplant Frittata
My husband and kids love eggplant so this recipe is a perfect one for me to try. Did you skip breakfast this morning? Make up for it at dinner. This egg-rich frittata is ideal when you're looking for a meal that doesn't entail a lot of fuss or expense. It starts on the stovetop, then moves under the broiler for a golden brown finish. Let's hear it for second chances. Recipe source: nubella.com

Make sure to use an ovenproof skillet because the frittata goes directly from the stovetop to the oven.
10 eggs
1/2 cup milk
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
3 tablespoons olive oil, divided
2 cups finely chopped peeled eggplant
1 (12- to 13-oz.) jar roasted red bell peppers, drained, chopped
1/4 cup shredded Parmesan cheese
1. Whisk eggs, milk, salt and pepper in medium bowl until well-blended.
2. Heat 2 tablespoons of the oil in large ovenproof nonstick skillet over medium heat until hot. Cook and stir eggplant 5 to 8 minutes or until tender. Stir in bell peppers.
3. Add remaining 1 tablespoon oil to skillet; heat until hot. Pour egg mixture over vegetables. Cook, covered, over medium to low heat 12 to 15 minutes or until almost set, occasionally lifting edges with spatula and tilting skillet to allow uncooked egg to flow to bottom of skillet.
4. Heat broiler. Uncover skillet; sprinkle frittata with cheese. Broil 1 to 2 minutes or until golden brown. Cut into wedges.
Note: reposted from bravejournal blog.. originally published on February 9, 2009
Friday, March 5, 2010
Precious Presents

Family weekend with Santa
The MWR (Morale, Welfare and Recreation) organized an event for kids last Saturday, they called it Winter Wonderland. We took our children there for them to enjoy the weekend. They have for different booths for the kids to try. There's cookie decorating, coloring pictures, christmas ornament arts and craft and a painting tattoo booth. Our daughter Rylie tried the cookie decorating and xmas ornament craft. Ej on the other hand, scribbled crayons on one of the pictures on the booth.

Here is the Santa that Ryle decorated...