Sunday, March 6, 2011

St. Day Cake - Project 365 # 65

This is the cake that the kindergarten class had during their St. Day celebration.  Their names are written together with their teacher.  Ain't that a beauty?
 Are you up to the challenge on posting a photo a day?
March 6, 2011:
  • Ms. Burrito is sick again.  Yesterday, she woke up with a 102 temperature then she got better after we gave her some meds.  This morning however, she was crying and when I touched her forehead, she was so hot.  I checked her temperature and it was 105.2. oh boy.  I am getting worried of whatever she has because it's been more than two weeks that the fever keeps  coming back and forth.
  • We decided not to go to church  because of her condition.
  • I made fried rice, potato cakes, and sausage for breakfast.  How about you, what did you have?
  • It's snowing once again over here wahhhh. N wonder people get sick because of the sudden changes of the weather.

31 delicious comments:

Fashion Momma said...

I'm sure it was delicious as it was lovely.

My Blue Monday.

Unknown said...

oi wawa naman si Rye, get well soon Rye...anyway, ganda ng St. Day cake nila ah!...

carinamodella said...

nice cake! get well for ms. burrito :)

Anonymous said...

Already a follower,just visiting.

SmilingSally said...

It was hard to find where to comment.

Thanks for sharing. Happy Blue Monday, Rose.

Momgen said...

Oh i like the blue cake..Happy blue Monday.

mine is here

LV said...

What a great and fun way for the children to honor St. Patrick's
day. Looks like everyone had a good time and waiting for a big slice of cake.

Diane said...

That cake is lovely. Diane

Barbara Rosenzweig said...

Happy Blue Monday. Yum.
I'm your new follower.

Joyful said...

What a beautiful cake!

Marjie said...

I found you through Diane in England/France. I do the photo a day thing, too....until I get lazy, anyway....

Carolyn said...

poor little one. I hope she will get better soon....

love the cake:-)looks so yummy

Dorincard said...

The best cake is a fruity one, not sugary...:)

☆Mama Ko☆ said...

cute ng cake nila, at na extra snap ka pa talaga ahh. hope rye and ej will get better soon bading

My Blue Monday

Visit My MYM

genny said...

get well soon to your Ms. Burrito. yummy cake...can i have a slice? yum yum....happy BM!

Marjorie (Molly) Smith said...

Hope Ms. Burrito get well soon and I just love the pretty.
Hope you have a great Blue Monday.

Rebecca said...

What a wonderful cake idea!!!! Happy Blue Monday!

Kranky Granny said...

The cake is perfect for the theme, but, I am sorry to here that your little one is not feeling well.

I will hold her in my prayers for a speedy recovery.

Thanks for signing up to follow my photo blog. I do so appreciate all those that come to call.

nuts said...

now I see closer shot of the cake! too gorgeous to eat. :)

liberal sprinkles said...

nice. makes me wanna get some food...NOW!

Leslie said...

Sorry to hear the kids are sick.. Hopefully they'll be on the mend soon! Also, thank you for following Tranquil Acres of Alexandria... you are my 170th follower!

Eden said...

What a cute cake! I hope Ms Burito gets better soon.

Kim, USA said...

Mommy Rose I remember si Rye ba yung nag ka ear infection? Baka yan ang dahilan why her fever keep coming back. Check mo.
About sa barn picture ko, tini-tweak ko sa CS2, kaya na change ko konti yung color. ^_^

Lina Gustina said...

Very lovely cake. How is Ms. Burito now? Hope she's better...

Thanks for dropping by, Rose

Meredith said...

very pretty! thank for stopping by my blog!

Fex said...

ganda ng cake sis... get well soon cute little girl...

Anni said...

Such a lovely cake! I guess it tasted fantastic.

And I love the blue bag beside it!

Dhemz said...

wow! how nice..ganda ng cake....yum!

Jan said...

Hope Mrs Burrito better now, and wonderful idea for a cake.

Chie Wilks said...

sarap ng cake..for sure ubos na yan ngayon

my blue post:

our next stop is blue

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

sweet cake..
lovely blue.

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