Sunday, May 8, 2011

Fruit Variety - P365 # 126

We always have a variety of fruit at our kitchen table. We want the kids to grow up loving fruits instead of some other junks like chips and cookies. We do however buy cookies and cake once in a while as a treat.
May 8, 2011:

  • My kids and hubs woke me up with kisses.  They gave me a card today since they already gave my gifts  yesterday.
  • Hubby made some french toast again and I made some pancit canton for breakfast.
  • We will be off for church.  Just want to make this update before we leave so I can great you Mommies, a happy Mother's day!  Enjoy your day!
  • We will be  accompanying my FIL to the cemetery after church to visit my  late MIL.

Again, Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms!

6 delicious comments:

w0rkingAth0mE said...

Happy mother's day too ...

Diane said...

Hope you had a great Mother's day. Love the fruit bowl. Diane

Clavel said...

happy MYM sis! and happy Mother's day! mine is here:

Clavel said...

BTW, I just drop ec here, tnx again!

Shengkay said...

Mangga for me pwede?

Happy MYM! ako walng entry..hehehe.. nakikiadik lang ng blog hopping..

Lina Gustina said...

Fruit is healthy food indeed...

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Bon Appetit!

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