Sunday, May 1, 2011

Goodies from PA - P365 # 119

I received a surprise package full of goodies from a dear friend in PA. Thanks to the author of the  blogs below who is very generous and loving, luvya sis!  May God bless you with a healthy pregnancy, safe delivery, and a healthy baby sis Mel!
Love the postcard that follows after the goodies.  You made my husband's day  with the century tuna.  He love that!  Now I know where to order it hehehe.
May 1, 2011:
  • Hey'a everyone.  It's the first day of the month and I can't believe how the 2011 is almost  halfway done whew.
  • We went to church at noon, visited my  FIL but when we were about to leave, Jen's family came so the kids want to stay.  I went home because I was doing laundry before we went to church.  I just had now finish folding them.  Hubby is there with the kids.
  • The discovery of my BIL's cancer in his stomach is a great miracle for us.  His first biopsy showed that there is something growing in his stomach but it did not  came out positive as cancer.  The doctor however, insisted to do more test because he believed that what  was growing in his tummy is cancer, and he was right!  Good thing, he got operated earlier, or else he could have had 6 months to live (according to the doctor).  God is great and thank you all for your prayers!  This Thursday, there will be a mass for the cancer patient and survivor at our church.  
  • Hope you guys had a good weekend.  Have a great week ahead!

19 delicious comments:

Nina Marana said...

Stopping in with from Ask Ms Recipe.I've got a food linky on Marvelous Menu for you to link so we can visit each other. It's posted on Monday, no need for menu anything food related is okay.

Until Next time,

Ask Ms Recipe

Fashion Momma said...


My blue and yellow entry.

w0rkingAth0mE said...

Wow, bait naman ni Mel .. Same here i do love Century Tuna. Hoping for past recovery of your BIL>

 gmirage said...

yummy goodies! -

Stef said...

Hmm yummy indeed! Get well soon to your BIL! Here's mine. See you around!

Linda said...


Elise Ann Wormuth said...

Nicely done --

RNSANE said...

What a relief that your brother-in-law had his surgery early on and the cancer was caught in time! I know he will get excellent care from his physician and from his loving family!!

Mel_Cole said...

O mah goodness! Nyahaha, you're welcome Rose! Glad you liked the goodies. Hope you can visit my Green Monday page too.

Chie Wilks said...

wow another recipient of goodies from Mel!

my MYM is here

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I hope that your brother in law is better soon.

Rebecca said...

Praise the Lord-I'm glad they caught it in time!

LadyD Piano said...

The color yellow is everywhere!

What a wonderful praise report.

cherrylej said...

from the Philippines? hmm.. i feel hungry! :) thanks for the visit & you have a great day1

tx sweetie said...

hey is it just coincidence? i just bought same goodies from a filipino store online yesterday and paid ten dollars for it to be shipped, lolz. lucky you for having a friend who thinks of you!

Kate said...

Returning the comment on your lovely blog.Thanks for the comment on my mellow yellow.your is very interesting.

Dhemz said...

ang bait talaga ni yotchMel...parang si!

darly said...

will continue to pray for your BIL too, enjoy the rest of the week

Here is my green entry this week, hope you check it out too.
I Love Darly!
Food and Passion

moonstar said...

wow, really shopping galore. So nice to know that you have boy bawang there. he he he. continue living green.

Join our Green Monday Meme
Green Monday Meme
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Prosperity's Desire

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