Sunday, May 22, 2011

Photo Editing and Sad News- P365 # 140

I tried the photo editing online with my project today. Below is a cheesecake sampler that my SIL Michaele brought at Dad's during Easter.
Here's the edited one.  Do you see it on the screen?
Funny Pictures
Some  Easter cookies.
Here's the edited one.  
Funny Pictures
May 22, 2011:
  • We visited my SIL Chris yesterday and we learned a sad news about my BIL Dave.  He is back in the hospital.  He lost a lot of weight that they can't do any chemo on the cancer that is left in his liver.  Since he got the operation, he's been on a liquid diet for weeks and just last week, he started taking one tablespoon of solid food a day.  It wasn't enough to   gain weight so when he went for a follow up on his chemo, the hospital got alarmed.   He need to stay in the hospital so  they could boost him with  the nourishment that he need.
  • Another sad news is about the Grinny (chipmunks).  We found her crushed on the road, in front of Dad's home.  Poor little fella, I feel bad because the little critter kept Dad's company everyday.  My FIL was very sad to saw the Grinny  on the road.
  • We are going to attend mass at noon.
  • Got to get up from my chair and clean the Saucepans that my husband used  a while ago hehehe.  Thanks for the  breakfast Hon!

14 delicious comments:

 gmirage said...

Sorry to hear the bad news... - Mirage

Diane said...

So sorry about your BIL my thoughts are with you and the family. There seems to be a lot of cancer around at the moment but maybe I am just unlucky enough to know a lot of people with it. Diane

Unknown said...

Milk thistle is wonderful for healing the liver. I will say a prayer for you and yours.

God bless!

Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy said...

Hi Rose,

I'm so sorry that your BIL is not doing well.

Great job on your photo editing! How do you do that?

Have a wonderful week,

Kathy M.

w0rkingAth0mE said...

Will continue praying for your BIL ..Anyway, galing naman at marunong kna rin mag edit ako will try to educate myself heheh! said...

you have done an interesting edition in your photos...congrats

Fex said...

so sad to hear that news

Dhemz said...

ganda naman tong edit mo sis....:) oh my, I was going to ask you about your BIL...hope GOD will help him strong...wawa naman.

waaaaaa....sino kaya nakasagasa kay grinny.

Unknown said...

ang galing ng bading ahh, ako hindi ko alam yan saan ka ba nag iedit ng photo?

Unknown said...

san ka nga ba nag edit ng photo..anyway, kawawa naman si BIL mo Rose...

Chie Wilks said...

yummy treats for sweet tooth

purethoughts said...

whoa! my sweet tooth craves for those! thanks for the visit, sis. hope you could also join my wednesday whites meme... just launched today. it's at


Bogie said...

praying for your BIL. God bless!

teJan said...

oy wow nammy:)

mine here at

see yah!

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