Monday, July 9, 2012


Our neighbor gave me two zucchini seedlings. There's plenty of blossom right now but I haven't seen a single veggie yet.
My SIL Chris on the other hand  had big ones already.  She gave me some  the other day and she also gave me  a loaf of Zucchini bread, it's delish!
 I cooked half of the zucchini she gave me, today.  I steamed it  with onions, cherry tomatoes,  sausage, and topped with cheese.

A Spice A  Day # 191
 - My quest to update this  blog daily -
July 9, 2012:

  • Me and the kids did some bike riding today.  We also did some  cleaning in the garden.
  • Ms. Burrito is getting addicted  in making pot holders.
July 10, 2012:
  • Me and EJ did some gardening.  I  pulled  out all the irises that the dogs has destroyed.
  • The kids had a blast  playing with our neighbor's grandson.
  • Ms. Burrito sold some of the pot holders she made.

13 delicious comments:

Anonymous said...

great job on the z. i forgot about zucchini. i have a plant in the garden and i didn't think about it.

Diane said...

I have got round courgettes (Zucchini) in my garden, green and yellow, and I think they will be ready to start picking the first ones in the next few days :) Diane

Ann said...

Wow that dish looks fantastic, one of my favorite veggies is Zuchinni. Oh wow the bread looks yummy.

Roger Owen Green said...

I LOVE breads of zucchini, carrot, banana, et al

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Anonymous said...


magiceye said...

delicious take on the theme!

Reader Wil said...

Hi Rose! This looks delicious!

Gattina said...

Looks delicious, I once ate a zucchini bread on a farmer's market, was very good !
ABC team

Carver said...

Great Z word and shots to go with it. Carver ABC-Wed. Team

Roy Schulze said...

The trouble with growing Zuchini is that you always end up with more than you could possibly use. My entry for ABC Wednesday this week is Ziplocked.

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

You still have time for the Zuchini to grow..Yummy dish you've made there!

The Poet said...

We love Zucchini. My wife tends to roast them in the oven with onions, carrots, celery, broccoli, garlic. Everything tastes sweet and delicious. I've seen her add grated zucchini to banana bred too when she's run out of carrots. Everything looks delicious. Thanks for sharing & visiting.

Love's Zinfandel

Anonymous said...

i love zucchini. mexican zucchini is just as goo.

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Bon Appetit!

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