Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Cucumber Slices for Snack.

Everyday that I go to  my garden, there is  Pipino or cucumber that  is ready to be picked.  We have been munching on this crunchy    cucumber  for weeks now, luckily, my kids love snacking on them with ranch.

How about you, do you have cucumber in your garden this year?  Does your kids like  them?

16 delicious comments:

Rhodesia said...

Mine are just starting in the garden they are about 2 inches long at the moment! Stay well Diane

jheylo said...

Yummy! I love cucumber and you have a fresh one which is better.

Unknown said...

I love cucumbers, so does my son. But unfortunately, I don't have a green thumb so store bought works fine with me.


Unknown said...

my babies don't eat those but they are my favorite.

Bless said...

We love snackin' on this. My kids call it Larry boy - from veggietales :-)

melandria romero said...

lately, i haven't got the urge to eat cucumber, but it's really good for the health and for the skin too

Ane said...

I love cucumbers!

How I wish I can grow my own! But alas I wasn't gifted with a green thumb. :P Those look so great!

Shela said...

Love cucumber plain or with dressing even sawsawan! Healthy and refreshing!

mommy peach said...

Wow! That is a healthy snack! I like cucumbers but Ykaie doesn't.

Roger Owen Green said...

just don't like cukes, but my wife does

Unknown said...

I once had cucumber soap - love the fresh smell of it.

mrsnesbitt said...

Nothing compares with home grown Cucumbers!

Latane Barton said...

I don't have cucumbers of my own so I sneak through the gate to my son-in-laws garden and snitch me one when i want it. Hey, that's better than growing them yourself.

Katney said...

NO, just a few wimpy tomatoes and the potential for some peppers. My roses are doing well, though.

Kay L. Davies said...

We wouldn't dare plant cucumbers, Rose. Our dog would eat them as soon as they started to look like cucumbers. Fortunately, there are many greenhouses nearby, and they throw out the ones that aren't the right shape for selling to supermarkets. They still taste the same, but they don't fit in with the packaging. Our dog knows where every cucumber dumpster is, and she makes sure my husband stops there when they're out for a walk.

Martha said...

We have cucumber coming out of our ears! :)

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