Are you one of those people who love to cook with spices? Do you get so many of them that you sometimes get frustrated when you can't find them in your covered. I felt that way before when I did not have a spice rack yet but ever since I have one, my spices are well organized. Anyway, if you are looking for a spice storage solution, Spicy Shelf has the answer for you! I was contacted by the brilliant founder of this company who created the storage solution herself.

Spicy Shelf is having their Kickstarter Campaign this Tuesday so you can check it out and you can be part of it. The Kickstarter page won't be live until Tuesday but c you can check them out for more details at their Facebook Page and get the full details about the said event. As you can see in the photo above, with one spicy shelf, it stores 36 pieces when arranged correctly. If you have a big cabinet space, you can use two spicy shelf together for more storage just like the one below.

This spicy shelf can also be used for storing your medicines which I am going to use with the ones they sent me. I wasn't able to install it yet because I have to adjust the size and hubby has to cut it. But you can take a look at the photo below how you can use it for medicines or for your crafts even.

This will be available in wooden style just like the one that I got and in plastic as well (shown in the photos above.

Here is the team behind this awesome spice storage solution.

Are you ready to organize your spices in your cabinet now? Check out Spicy Shelf and get your own. Thank you Spicy Shelf!
Disclaimer: The author of this blog was NOT financially compensated in writing this review. The product mentioned above was received for FREE for evaluation purposes.
28 delicious comments:
I am a spice nut. Spices have more nutrition and health benefits than most our foods and I have done extensive research and writing about them.
I have two very large spice racks and I use them all the time. These look very good. Take care Diane
Oh I would love to have this. My spices are all over the place and this would keep them all together. Great review! I am going to check them out. Thank you for your recommendation.
Now this is awesome! Our spices are all behind each other, we have to reach all the way in the cabinet and pick up each one just to find out what it is lol and many spices/seasonings don't get used because it's time consuming to do that so I love to see a product like this that can make life simpler and quicker.
Oh my goodness, this is exactly what I need for my spice cabinet!
I so need one of these so I can see the spices I do have. Great product
that is seriously a cool shelf i want one
That is pretty clever, I always have a horrible time finding the spices in my cabinet.
what a great idea!!!
I am constantly fighthing with the clutter spices create in regular rack
Very smart
Now that is an innovative idea! I would love to have this product. My spices are a mess, I have them every where.
Great stuff! Makes it easy to find the things you need. And it's always fulfilling to see your precious little spices all lined up. But I'll probably use this for my art crafts supply. :)
I've just started to cook and I'm not confident using different spices yet. For now I stick to just Italian Seasoning, Allspice, Nutmeg, Cinnamon, and the usual Salt & Pepper. That spice organizer would sure come in handy though organizing my kitchen cabinet.
That is amazing! I could surely use some of these. I love that I can actually see the types of spices I have. Innovative, indeed!
That's a Great Idea, but it's still not enough space for mine lol I have probably 100 bottles, okay maybe not a 100. I do have a whole lot though, I should count them one day lol
this rack is very helpful to keep spices in order. i want to have like this
Very clever invention, that's would really gives everyone a convenient way of organizing their spices.
that is a very innovative idea. My spice cabinet is a mess.
I have a spice rack but it's not as awesome as this one! :P
I so need this, I feel that it'll be able to stack more than my current one, and it looks so neat and I will be able to organize my spices better! :P
wow, what a nifty way of organizing spices in the kitchen!
I need one for my spices.:)
Thank you for sharing this one mommy. I will look it up and see if I can find this at a store near us. Great concept for a spice rack.
that is so cool. it saves space and can get your spices organized.
that is a nice spice rack. I need one of those, since cabinet is so disorganized because of different size and shapes of my spices.
i recently re-discovered my love for cooking, i would certainly love to have a well organized spices.
I can benefit from having that kind of spice rack. -lencilicious
Thanks all, for liking my new invention. We need all of your help to make this become a product available for everyone. Please go pre-buy one here: and tell all of your friends.
This looks like something I need!
We are so excited to announce Spicy Shelf is now available. Go to We are offering BOGO and for a limited time 50% off additional Spicy Shelves.
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