Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Bottle Gourd #A-Spice-A-Day#43

When I was in the Philippines, I never freeze any vegetable nor use a any frozen veggies. But when I came here, I learned how to freeze veggies  especially the ones that  isn't available in our local  store like this  gourd.  I grew  an upo at our backyard and  got lucky to have only one fruit but it was very long so I chopped it after peeling off the skin and freeze it.  I used all of these already.  It is good with tinola or sinigang or when cooking sardines.
A Spice A Day #43
February 12, 2014
  • I was  sick to my stomach when I discovered the dead body of our female rabbit, Matilda, this morning.  Matilda and Wubzy are part of my daily routine, I feed them everyday so it was a sad moment for me to find out  that she's dead.
  • I made some spaghetti  for dinner.
  • I had my volunteer duty in school today.

6 delicious comments:

nadine | flipinistas said...

condolences for losing your pets :( i hope wherever they are they are happy now. i'm sure they'll look after you like angels. reminds me of my pet kittens :(

Nova said...

this is the best way to preserve our veggies indeed, to enjoy the long lasting before winter hits.

Dhadha said...

Are these patola sis? I love how my mom used to cook patola soup with misua. You should try it too. Yummy! :)

Chubskulit Rose said...

No thos e are not patola sis Dhadha, it's Upo. I love misua with patola too but can;'t find any patola here.

Anonymous said...

awe, sorry to hear about the bunny, that's very upsetting :(

April McGregor said...

so sorry to hear about your rabbit. I love her name.:( It must have hurt for the kids too that their pet is gone.

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