Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Slice N Easy Cake Cutter from Love Cooking Company

Although my husband, who is the number one sweet tooth in the family, is on diet right now, I am glad that Love Cooking Company sent me this Slice N Easy Cake Cutter by  Mrs. Fields.  I wish that I could have know this when I still used to  host birthday parties for my kids at home.  Slicing the birthday cakes could have been easier.  
Instead of buying a cake, we decided to buy a pan of pumpkin pie since our daughter likes  this kind of pie.  I wanted to see if  the Slice N Easy  cake cutter would also  works well with pies and voila, it does!
I love that even if the pie has a it's plate underneath, it still cut it perfectly.  I love how they  shape this  cake cutter the way it is, it makes it easier to use even on pies!
To cut your dessert, just simply pus the Slice N Easy  down into the cake/pie.   Then squeeze both sides of the handle to remove the slice from the plate.  To serve it on a plate, just simply release the handle and you won't have any  mess at all.  You know how messy it is to use a regular cake cutter sometimes.  You can't put the slice of cake  the way you want it but with this Slice N Easy, your work  is a lot easier!
Thank you Love Cooking Company for sending me this Slice N Easy Cake Cutter. Love it!  Wait, don't go just yet, bookmark this  post  as I will be hosting a giveaway for the same Slice N Easy Cake cutter for one lucky reader who will join the giveaway below.

Disclaimer: The author of this blog was NOT financially compensated to write this review. Opinions expressed is not in anyway influenced by other factors. The product/s mentioned above was provided for FREE for evaluation purposes.

24 delicious comments:

Marie said...

Ohhh Wow that is pretty stinking cool! I could invest in one of these I love baking some pie goodies :)

Franc said...

That's a unique and more precise cutter.

Anonymous said...

Now that would sure come in handy around the holidays. Seems from thanksgiving on through Christmas there is always pie somewhere lol. I think I need one of these.

Healy Harpster said...

Smart! I would like to have one. Cutting pies are really challenging for me. LOL!

Mel Cole said...

This is perfect in slicing pies as it can be messy. Nice that it molds the side of pie straight.

Mel Cole said...

Would love to try one this kitchen tool :)

Nova said...

very cool and easy invention, something i would definitely going to keep..

Unknown said...

This is nice, easy and very convenient to have! I wish we have this here too

betchai said...

wow, a perfectly cut cake, i wonder if you could also adjust the size

Eileen said...

Nice kitchen gadget. My mom would absolutely love it. She loves baking and my favorite of all her creations is her chiffon cake with mango cream icing. I will find her this cake cutter and ask her to make a cake so we can try using it. :)

Dhemz said...

now that's convenient! I want one....:)

Bjorn Mystic said...

This is a great invention. It's a good tool to slice a pie.

jo-anne said...

Wow! Makes cake slicing easier and perfectly, too.

James, Davis, and Associates Test said...

This is such a cute and practical item. It makes it much easier to serve desserts.

MaryJane Tauyan said...

this food looks very yummy! this cake cutter looks very nice too and makes slicing cakes much easier

Algene said...

Wow! This is an amazing item. Everyone deserves to have that in his or her kitchen :) Easy slicing na!

Jessica Cassidy said...

that looks yummy Sis Rose :-) I love my cake cutter as well :-) It works fantastic :-)

Ane said...

Awesome tool! I need that, we have cakes and pies all the time and the first cut always comes out looking like crap. :P Hope I can find that here! :P

papaleng said...

Sis, care to send me an extra cake cutter. kinakamay lang namin ang cake eh. Great kitchen help for you.

Juliana said...

That's a perfect slice! Through many years of baking cakes and slicing bakery bought cakes and pies, I have mastered the art of the perfect slice hahaha. Addict lang sa cake haha. But I'm sure something like this will be a good addition to my kitchen tools :-)

Peachy @ The Peach Kitchen said...

Delicious pie and nice cake cutter you got there!

Healy Harpster said...

I just joined, hope to win. I need this for my pies. :)

Mommy Jes said...

joined! hope to win! ;)

Chubskulit Rose said...

Congratulations Healy, kindly email me your address. Thanks.

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Bon Appetit!

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