Saturday, May 21, 2011

Clementine - P365 # 139

Our favorite citrus fruit is clementine (not the one in the picture). But if clementine is not available in the store, we buy those big oranges.
May 21, 2011:
  • My oh my, time flies really.  We only have a week left and it's June already, whew.  I'll be  a year older again lol.
  • Got up late this morning (8:30), let Wubzy loose so he could run around the yard.  He's happy and started nibbling on my plants wahhh.  It's funny, we let Champ out the yard too to see if they could get along well.  At first, they sniffed each other then Wubzy took off, Champ came chasing after him.  I got scared that Champ might hurt Wubzy so I stopped him.
  • I  gave Champ a bath after we ate breakfast
  • Hubby and kids went to the store to buy some more gardening soil while I a am doing laundry.  Now they're back and  am hurrying to finish this post before I get out and started gardening again.
  • We will be going to the park after we get done with our gardening project.
Thanks for visiting folks and have a good weekend.

24 delicious comments:

Diane said...

We also love Clementine, they are so much easier to peel than an orange :-) Diane

Annesphamily said...

I love fruit! Those clementines are so sweet. What a nice post toda.y Enjoy the weekend and never fret about another birthday! You are well loved here. You can not change because of a birthday!

Unknown said...

kapamilya yan ang orange Rose? ano tawag sa atin nyan...di ko kasi kilala si Clementine hehehe. Happy SSS. Mine is here

Anonymous said...

Very nice picture!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a lovely day. :)

Mel Alarilla said...

Is the clementine related to oranges? This is the first time I heard about such fruit. Dugay pa talaga ako, hehehe. It is sad that Champ and your bunny are not in the best of terms. Me pagka predator siyempre ang dogs at prey naman ang bunnies. Malapit na pala ang birthday mo. Pakibusina naman para mabigyan kita nang karampatang tribute, hehehe. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

w0rkingAth0mE said...

Same with Kat hindi ko knowing si Clementine haha .. basta makakita ako ng ganito orange lng tawag ko :)

Joy Mendiola said...

visiting form Shengkay's Orange Tuesdays!

Shengkay said...

ito perfect na Orange tuedays kasi pangalan pa lang orange na..hahaha..
thanks for playing mommy rose..very much appreciated..
see you next week..

Chie Wilks said...

hehe i don't know clementine orange din, cguro i've tried it pero di ko lang kilala..hehehe

perfect orange share talaga

mine's at

MommyJ said...

perfect entry!

Please see my entry forOrange Tuesday! thanks!

teJan said...

hhahah..meron din ako ganito..ahehe e post ko yon one tuseday here in orange..hehe, mine is up too sis!at see yah!

Unknown said...

talagang orange na orange! hehehehehe, love it!

here's mine:

Cookie said...

literally orange talaga yung entry mo mommy, hehe.

hope you can visit mine here:

EnAirRaH said...

If I am not mistaken Ate Rose clementine ba tawag don sa maliliit na orange dito? I seldom eat kasi hindi ako maxado palakain ng pangmayaman sa Pinas,..haha..

Momgen said...

Orange is healthy for you...Mine is up.

Mine is up

Unknown said...

a year older but becoming more prettier and caring as a person.
that sounds great:)

Techie She said...

wow... malapit na pala ang birthday mo sis. advance happy birthday!!!

genny said...

di ko pa yata nakilala yan si Clementine. makilala nga nyan minsan.nwyz, oranges are yummy and indeed perfect for OT entry. visiting you back!

Fe said...

are they common here in the phils. ? made me curious of how they taste like...heheh.
visiting you back, sis.
thanks for visiting my entry...

Life As A WAHM

Edsie said...

I miss oranges!!

Happy Orangeeyy Tuesday!!
Orange Tuesday: Friends

purethoughts said...

thanks for the visit sis! wow i love those oranges! very healthy too!

raya-- using my google acct

Tina said...

Those are yummy and most of all healthy..

thanks for your visit at my Orange entry at Viva Fashionista

Genefaith said...

this is indeed an Orange day:) love orange too coz they got vit.C:)

thanks for the visit:)

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