Monday, March 3, 2014

Egg Fritata #A-Spice-A-Day#62

Instead of making an omelet last Sunday, I decided to bake an egg fritata.
I beat up 5 large eggs, salted and peppered it.  I topped it with pepperoni slices, scallions, and  cheese.
I baked it for 15 minutes at 350 degrees temperature and it was delicious!
A Spice A Day #62
March 3, 2014

  • The school has a two hour delay due to the freezing temperature and snow.
  • Hubby emailed me and said that he is getting worse at work.  I advised him to call off from work but he insisted to  go, I feel bad.
  • I washed all our mink blankets today.

5 delicious comments:

Mel Cole said...

That egg prep looks so yummy! Full of vitamins and nutrients :)

mommy Orkid Belle said...

Now you got me all hungry for some eggs and I haven't had anything to eat yet and it is almost 10 in the evening. Oh dear! I want to go ahead and cook now. LOL! It looks yummy!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that looks yummy and super easy. I never would have thought of something like this. Thanks for sharing!

Nova said...

A good protein supplement for your kids and you, they should love to eat those egg pritata i bet

Unknown said...

This looks so good.. I love eggs.. I just can't eat as many as I would like.. I also know this is something that my husband would love also

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