Monday, March 21, 2016

Making my Own Gourmet Square Burger

We recently bought a quarter of beef  from a friend's farm and we have been enjoying different  menus with beef.  Most of the cuts that we ordered is  ground beef since we cook a lot using ground beef and my husband love a good burger.  That's why I am so stoked when Cavetools offered me to review their new product, the burger press and storage container.  
This  burger press is awesome because it serves as  a storage for your burger as well.  I love that it's a  square so if you are using the regular  bread for burgers. it  is  shape exactly like bread which is perfect.  You can make larger and thicker burgers.  This design is inspired by the by the size of world famous Bubba Burgers. I love that they even imprinted the  instruction on how to use it in the trays.  
You can get this  through their website or via amazon.  You can use  this  Amazon Coupon Code LZEN8T4G to enjoy a  15% Off the original price.  I love the built in  BURGER DIMPLER as it is scientifically proven to make sure your hamburgers stay flat and cook evenly.
I think that the right amount of gropund beef to make  six burger is two pounds.  I used three pounds plus the  onions that I added to it so  the burgers are a little bit thicker than it should so it was a bit   longer to cook.  The good thing is, I know how much I would use the next time I make  my own  gourmet square burgers.

There's only four of us here at home so I only cooked three of the burgers out of the six that I made.  The kids are not big burger eaters so they   each get half  of one burger.  I had a hard time  finishing mine because it was thick!  The  burger press seals tight and stacks easily in the freezer so  keeping the burger  fresh is easy.  I also love that it is  dishwasher safe because you can throw it in the dishwasher for easy clean up.  I added 1 tablespoon of  curry paste to this burger for a different twist and my husband   loved it!  
 As you can see, the burgers I made was overflowing and that's because I put too much in it but I won't do that again next time lol.  If you want a non0-traditional burger shape, you should get this burger press.  
Disclosure: The owner of this blog was NOT financially compensated to write this review.  I was provided with the product/s mentioned  to help me  facilitate this review but  opinions are my own.

20 delicious comments:

Masshole Mommy said...

Square burgers are the best, aren't they? I am always happy when I go out to eat and the burger comes out square.

The Choosy Mommy said...

I remember when I was little I wouldn't eat square burgers, HAHA! Now I will eat ANY burger but my husband still has a thing about square! said...

Any shape of burger is ok with me. I have to take note of the shape square or round. Never know it would be a difference.

Prime Beauty said...

Square burgers taste better :)

Liz Mays said...

Hey those look great! I bet that hint of curry flavor would go over well.I'd love to try making some for backyard barbecue.

Kristen said...

this is neat!!!! I want to get one for my husband

Elizabeth O. said...

That's so convenient! I would love to have that since the kids love burgers so much. Thanks for sharing your experience with this one!

Nikki said...

I loved making my own burger especially to my son's favorite, for sure he loves this too.

Travel Blogger said...

This burger press would be a great gift for my husband. We eat burgers all the time, and this would be perfect to make nice square patties.

Tonia Sanders said...

This is pretty neat. It wouldn't go over well with my girls yet though, because they think hamburgers can only be round. It kills me when I want Wendy's.

Melissa Bernardo said...

Cool idea! Perfect for making and then freezing! Burger looks delish!

Unknown said...

My husband would love that burger press. I have never heard of a burger dimpler before so it was interesting to learn that it helps to keep the burgers flat.

Cheap Is The *New* Classy said...

I have never made square burgers before. I could really use this for freezing my handmade patties. I love it.

stephanickety said...

Oh this looks fun! I love the square hamburgers at Wendys, and I'd love to make my own.

Unknown said...

I'm sure my family would love this fantastic recipe, for Easter too.

Ron Leyba said...

This kitchen gadget looks really amazing. Would love to have one too. This can make burger making easier!

mail4rosey said...

Now that's a way to draw new interest in a burger! Looking mighty good for guests too!

Jenn @ Smalltown Bookworm said...

I like square burgers because they fill the bun up better AND the cheese goes edge to edge :)

Camesha | Mama Motivator said...

What a neat idea. That's a great way to store burgers and just makes the whole process easier.

Dhemz said...

how cool! Those are pretty neat burger press. I would love to have one for sure! Thanks for sharing!

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